Frederick County, Maryland, Homemakers

Associated Country Women of the World


    The ACWW is composed of 6 million women from 62 countries throughout the world.  It is dedicated to raising the living standards of rural women and promoting goodwill and understanding between country women and homemakers of the world.  The ACWW meets once every 3 years at the Triennial Conference.  They have a representative at the United Nations in an advisory position.  Look forward to the 2010 Meeting to be held here in the United States in Holt Springs, Arkansas.

    Pennies for Friendship is a principal source of income for the ACWW.  Clubs desiring to support the ACWW should make checks payable to Frederick County Homemakers' Clubs marked "PENNIES FOR FRIENDSHIP" and mail to the County Treasurer at the same time as dues are paid.

